Horse Crashing Errata (Updated 14/01/2024)

HORSE CRASHING ERRATA (Updated 14/01/2024)

BHC1 (A/B/C/D): rules manual minor corrections and clarifications. Game mechanics, rules  and components remain exactly the same.

Page 3: 

  • ABILITIES: fact box added mid page: "On rare occasions, Ability numbers might go over 12. Record it as usual and heal injuries as soon as possible, since Sprint rolls will automatically fail and only Less than the Ability number will be achieved during Impact (See Three Sets).".
  • SKILLS: 2 parenthesis added: "...roll 1D6 per Ability (Reroll 1’s)" & " will be able to improve them (Down to a Skill max. of 2)".
  • Training: clarification at end: "Can be done before and after Jousts.".

Page 4:

  • EQUIPMENT: clarification added on 1st paragraph: ... "Pick one of each and record it on the Participant Sheet like in the example on section 4 (Remember, use the “1D6” column to generate random opponents)".

Page 5:

  • EXAMPLE: visual aid correction: Resistance changes to "6+2+0 = 8".
  • EXAMPLE: clarification added at end: "Use the JOUSTS section to keep a record of everything that happens during an encounter. Fill in your Opponent's name, and track the Points you accumulate and your progress on each Sprint and Impact for every set (See Three Sets).".

Page 6:

  • STEPS OF A JOUST: expanded chart’s info to use as Quick Reference: 
  1. Crowd’s Favours: "players roll 1D6 to receive Favours (Reroll for 3 coins)".
  2. Three Sets: Sprint: "(Success = +1 Favour)"; Impact: "...and tables". 
  3. Recovery: "heal 1 Injury for 1 coin/Favour,  sell old Equipment at ½ price or buy new Equipment at usual price".

Page 7:

  • THREE SETS: new visual aid: Sprint portion of the Jousting Arena board.
  • THREE SETS: new visual aid on 1st paragraph: …"(Star symbol)".
  • SPRINT: new visual aid and wording: …"from the ones shaped like tiny shields (Shield symbol) in the joust’s record, and win 1 extra Favour.".

Page 11: Rules Manual: wording: …"Print double-sided, the covers on A4 size card (Kraft or white) and the body on normal A4 paper.".


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